Casa Aranda cafetería Málaga
You're at home!


At Casa Aranda, of course. "Casa" means "Home" in spanish. We have been serving coffees, churros and chocolate since 1932 in the heart of Malaga. We are very pleased to be part of the roots of our city, or as our clients say, "a classic".

Enjoy all the classic flavor of Malaga

Casa Aranda is the place where the traditional flavor of coffee, churros and our excellent hot chocolate are combined with Andalusian hospitality, right in Malaga downtown.

  • Outdoor tables
  • Interior lounges
  • Churros with southern vibrancy
  • Fast service
  • Malaga downtown
  • Historic surroundings
  • Established 1934
  • Familiar and relaxed

Casa Aranda

Extracted from the web "Málaga personajes".

"Today I am going to make a stop along the way and instead of writing the biographies of women from Malaga, I am going to write the biography of a character from Malaga who dedicated almost his entire life to his business and who gave him great fame, prestige and, above all, the recognition of the thousands of people from Malaga who have passed through your business.

Today I am going to talk to you about Don Antonio Aranda, founder of Casa Aranda, an illustrious Malaga cafeteria where the best churros with chocolate from all over the world are served. The prestige and fame of this business is almost universal, as people come from all over Spain and the world to eat the delicious churros and chocolate.

Don Antonio Aranda was born in 1909 in the Malaga town of Alhaurin de la Torre. He spent his childhood among the meadows of that town and began to understand how difficult life was working in the fields, in which he developed all kinds of tasks such as tilling the land, digging vineyards, threshing and scalding. All this allowed him to learn and understand everything related to the land and its products, especially wheat and all its variants; this allowed him to know what was the raw material with which he would make his famous churros, flour, although for that they had to spend a few years. It was in 1932 when, at the age of 23, he decided to undertake the adventure of opening a business, which over the years would become a "Malaga institution" for breakfast and snacks. and it is February 2, 1932 when he decides to start his journey together with his sister Lolita in the business of coffees and chocolate with churros.

Casa Aranda was born at that very moment. Logically, at that time the machine preparations that exist today did not exist and their beginnings were almost as if they were in a family, that is to say, the coffee was made in a large pot and the churros were made by Don Antonio Aranda holding the mold of the dough on the pan. With this mold I was pouring the churros into the pan, and little by little people got to know this place, because its location very close to Puerta del Mar and in the heart of Malaga made that break at work very pleasant to enjoy a good breakfast.

Little by little his fame grew and grew, and the breakfasts and snacks, even the half-day coffee for some. But perhaps one of the most important days of Casa Aranda was when on December 14, 1932, Don Juan Aranda Valle presented a 500 peseta deposit for the transfer of "fried dough" and the corresponding position, which It already gave authority to serve the churros with total tranquility.

Don Juan Aranda Valle era el padre de Don antonio Aranda". Lógicamente, la Málaga del 32 no era la Málaga de hoy en día, y los cafes los vendía a tres perras chicas (que equivale a 15 céntimos de pesetas) y los churros a "chica", es decir, a 5 céntimos de peseta. Pero como poco a poco se construye un castillo, que dice el refrán, Don Antonio Aranda no paró en el empeño y quiso que la calidad fuera la norma principal, tanto en sus harinas para hacer los churros como en sus cafés y en sus aceites para freír. Ante todo el cliente tiene que tomar calidad y con esta máxima mantuvo su negocio, llegando hasta nuestros días su fama y sus prestigio; prestigio que fue alcanzando y que hizo de Casa Aranda lugar de reuniones de periodistas, tertulianos, escritores, redactores y sobre todo, de gente de málaga y de sus pueblos , que cuando venían a málaga a hacer sus "mandados" hacían una parada para tomar el chocolate o café con churros , llegando esta fama y prestigio de Casa Aranda a ser pasada de generación en generación; los padres inculcaban a sus hijos el merendar chocolate con churros y estos a sus hijos y de esta manera sucesivamente.

Don Juan Aranda Valle was the father of Don Antonio Aranda". Logically, the Málaga of 1932 was not the Málaga of today, and the coffees were sold to three small dogs (equivalent to 15 cents of pesetas) and the churros to "girl", that is to say, at 5 cents of a peseta But as little by little a castle is being built, as the saying goes, Don Antonio Aranda did not stop in his efforts and wanted quality to be the main standard, both in his flours to make churros as in their coffees and in their oils for frying. First of all, the client has to take quality and with this maxim he kept his business, reaching his fame and prestige to this day; prestige that he was achieving and that made Casa Aranda is a meeting place for journalists, commentators, writers, editors and, above all, people from Malaga and its towns, who when they came to Malaga to do their "errands" made a stop to to have chocolate or coffee with churros, reaching this fame and prestige of Casa Aranda to be passed from generation to generation; parents instilled in their children the chocolate snack with churros and these in their children and in this way successively.

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